For true flexibility
Farmer Sampling is a convenient option if you do not herd test or if you need to test cows outside your herd recording periods.
Simply take milk samples yourself at any time and submit them for testing when you choose. You can submit a minimum of 12* cows for testing at any time.
Here’s how it works:
1. Once you are registered for farmer sampling, we will send you sample bottles in the post or you can get them directly from your TasHerd herd recorder.
2. Select the cows (that are at least 35 days post-mating) you wish to test (a minimum of 12* cows).
3. Take samples for milk pregnancy testing during milking (i.e. mid-milking samples). To do this, ‘break’ the line to one quarter for a moment and strip a few squirts onto the ground, then put around 30ml into the tubes provided. Do not collect milk samples for pregnancy testing before ‘cups-on’ or after ‘cups-off’. Only mid-milking samples will give accurate measurements.
4. Clearly identify samples with your unique farm and cow IDs.
5. Send the samples back to us in the express post pack provided or give them to your TasHerd herd recorder.
6. You should receive your results within 3 to 5 business days - either by post or email (whatever you prefer).
7. Once you have your test results, you are welcome to contact us for free technical support.
* Note that TasHerd will process less than 12 samples, but a minimum fee (equating to 12 samples) will be applied. In the event that we have other samples to test, we will pool your samples with them which will avoid the minimum fee.